Cumberlands Q & A
Get an inside look into the Cumberlands experience from those who know it best. The students.
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This year study abroad options are to travel to Greece, London and Paris or Costa Rica. In the past, they've gone to the Dominican Republic and they've also gone to Italy.
What are the Study Abroad options?
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To be eligible for study abroad, you have to be at least 18 years old before the time of travel. You have to have a 2.5 cumulative GPA. You have to be enrolled for one full term, which is eight weeks before travel. And you also have to be a full time undergraduate student at the Williamsburg campus.
Who is eligible for Study Abroad?
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Work study is an opportunity for Cumberland students to work for the university, and we offer both presidential work study and federal work study. Presidential work study is offered by the university and federal work study is offered by the government.
What is work study?
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While living on campus. There's many events that our students can attend for free. We have sporting events going on throughout the week and the weekend, along with events every single week hosted by our Campus Activities Board, Campus ministries and other departments on campus.
What is there to do while living on campus?
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To ensure students safety on campus. Our university has partnered with the local police department, and they've also increased security while offering 24 hour surveillance and on call services. We've also been named the safest university in America.
What does the university do to ensure my safety?
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There are a plethora of opportunities from anywhere from Costa Rica to the Dominican Republic to Italy, Greece, London, Paris. Basically you take your pick and you get to go.
What study abroad locations do you visit?
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Absolutely, you can study abroad more than once. I myself am a three time repeat traveler. So as long as you can afford it, you can go.
Can you study abroad more than once at Cumberlands?