Safety and Security Information

At University of the Cumberlands, the safety and security of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. The university has developed policies and procedures to help provide a safe environment for both students and employees. In addition, Cumberlands has an ongoing partnership with the Williamsburg Police Department (WPD) to better ensure the safety of our campus community.

The Department of Safety and Security operates out of the Bock Information Dispatch Center, which maintains 24-hour hour coverage of the university’s switchboard and the Campus Emergency number, 4444. Several university buildings are monitored by security cameras. The university also has an emergency notification system to alert students of any imminent danger or situation. Additionally, the university has partnered with the Williamsburg Police Department to have an officer assigned to campus at all times. A WPD officer is responsible for patrolling campus 24-7. 

To request a copy of the Daily Crime Log, please contact the Office of Operations via email operations [at] (operations[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu) or by calling 606-539-4236.

See Something? Say Something.

Guests and campus community members can access incident reporting forms below. Do not use this form if you have an immediate threat. Please call 911.

The Residence Halls are locked at all times.  Students can gain access to the residence halls via their student ID.  Fire drills are conducted each semester for all residence halls and severe weather instructions are posted in each hall. All residence halls are monitored by security cameras.

Student Services coordinates several seminars annually, including Sexual Assault and Dating Violence Prevention, Alcohol Abuse Prevention, etc. While these seminars are open for all students to attend, they are required of all entering freshmen enrolled in the freshmen orientation program. In addition, any student who violates the university alcohol policy must complete an online alcohol education seminar.

Safety/Security on campus requires the active support of the University community. Students should assume responsibility for the safety and security of their property by following the simple suggestions listed below:

  • Keep room doors and windows locked
  • Keep vehicle doors locked at all times
  • Protect valuables
  • Identify valuable property by keeping a list of serial numbers
  • Avoid walking alone
  • If you need help, draw attention to yourself
  • Shouting for help is the first line of defense
  • Let someone know your plans
  • Ask yourself if you would be an easy target; if so, change your behavior
  • Walk confidently- be aware of your surroundings
  • Avoid shortcuts
  • Report unusual situations to the Safety/Security Staff or Student Services


Emergency Calls911
Safety/Security OfficeExt. 4444
Bock Building (non-emergency)Ext. 4000
Physical PlantExt. 4406
Student ServicesExt. 4230
Dr. Jamirae HolbrookExt. 4120
Mr. Travis WilsonExt. 4236
Williamsburg Police Department (Non-emergency)606-549-6038
Whitley County Sheriff's Office (Non-emergency)606-549-6006
Williamsburg Fire Department (Non-emergency)606-549-6037
Williamsburg Rescue Squad606-549-6069
Residence Hall Offices:  
Archer Ext. 5400
Asher Ext. 5676
CookExt. 5258
GillespieExt. 5500
HarthExt. 5000
HuttonExt. 5600
KleistExt. 5700
MahanExt. 5320
RoburnExt. 5160
Robinson-CookExt. 5258
SilerExt. 5100
Safety Resources

Safety Resources

Emergency Notification System

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