If you want a great PA program, this is the place.

Take the first step toward a career as a physician assistant (PA). University of the Cumberlands' Williamsburg program offers domestic and international students the opportunity to grow in their knowledge, expertise, and experience in the medical field. With expert professors and hands-on learning, the training you receive at UC will prepare you for a career as a PA and ensure your success whether you work in a hospital or a clinic. You don't have to be a doctor to help your community have better health. Explore all that a Master's in Physician Assistant Studies at UC in Williamsburg has to offer!



Average Salary


Industry Growth


PANCE Pass Rate


Affordable Master's in KY
Curriculum & Degree Requirements

Curriculum & Degree Requirements

Our accredited Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS) program is designed to teach you the skills you need to provide medical care to patients. The program can be completed in as little as 27 months.

Requirements include 113 credit hours total, 68 of which are earned through didactic coursework in traditional classroom and laboratory settings. All didactic coursework takes place on campus.

PA Information Sessions

Register for one of our upcoming information sessions, meet our faculty members and learn more about our PA program.

Full Body Scan Being Examined
Admission Information

Admission Information

Application and Interview Process

Admission to the Williamsburg Campus MSPAS Program at University of the Cumberlands is competitive. The Physician Assistant Program reviews each applicant who has completed and submitted each component of the admission material and meets the academic requirements. All applicants that meet admissions requirements are awarded points using an applicant score sheet. Consideration is given based on BCP GPA (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), documented clinical experience, letters of recommendation, and applicant residence. Applicants who reside in Appalachia, or a medically underserved area, and those who have completed hours at UC receive additional points on the score sheet.

The application cycle opens in April and closes August 1st each year. 


After the applicant score sheets are completed for those that meet all requirements, the score sheets and application materials are utilized to determine invitations to online interviews. Any student who has completed the Pre-professional Physician Assistant curriculum or has obtained a Bachelor's degree from University of the Cumberlands and met all admission requirements will be given an interview regardless of their application ranking. Applicants invited to an interview, including those who have completed the Pre-professional Physician Assistant curriculum and UC graduates, are not guaranteed admission to the graduate program. All admission and interview materials will be used to select a cohort of 30 qualified candidates.

Because admission information is updated regularly, applicants should verify current requirements linked on the program website. Please review admission requirements prior to submitting an application.

UC MSPAS program application cycle opens in April each year. The deadline for the cycle is August 1st. All admissions material must be verified by this deadline.

Interviews are conducted by Physician Assistant Program faculty and instructors, along with relevant UC administrators. Both individual and group interviews are utilized. Notification of interview is sent to the email submitted on the CASPA WebADMIT system by the applicant. The Physician Assistant Program will send an interview notification at least one week prior to the dates set.

* International students seeking to study in the Physician Assistant program under an F1 student visa can only apply to study at our Williamsburg, KY campus.

PA students standing together in PA building's hallway.


At University of the Cumberlands, we strive to make education accessible and affordable.

Program Metrics

Download Report

ClassClass Graduation YearNumber of First Time TakersProgram First Time Taker Pass RateNational First Time Taker Pass Rate for the Class Graduation Year
Cohort 320192886%93%
Cohort 420202793%95%
Cohort 520212983%93%
Cohort 620222688%92%
Cohort 7202326100%93%
Cohort 820242793%93%

Five-year first-time taker average pass rate for the program: 90%

Five-year national first-time taker average: 93%

Graduated ClassesClass of 2021Class of 2022Class of 2023Class of 2024
Maximum entering class size (as approved by ARC-PA)30303130
*Entering class size30303130
** Attrition rate3%13%16%10%
***Graduation rate97%87%84%90%

*This includes the number of joining class cohort who began with different cohort. 

**Attrition rate calculation:  Number of students who attritted from the cohort divided by the entering class size.

***Graduation rate:  Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.

CohortWilliamsburg MSPAS Job Placement Rate at 6 Months Post-Graduation*
20210% (only 1 respondent)
2023TBD 2024

*Rates are based on answers of those responding to the job placement survey.

PA Student Resources

The Williamsburg campus PA program is housed in the 1st & 2nd floors of the Correll Science Complex.



The physician assistant program has two lecture classrooms, all specifically dedicated to the department's use inside the Correll Science Center. Classrooms have a seating capacity of 30 students.



The physician assistant program has two laboratories built specifically for the department.

  • The Procedures/Skills Laboratory is used for patient procedure simulations.
  • The Physical Assessment Laboratory houses our Anatomage "cyber-dissection" table used during the laboratory portion of our anatomy course and other components of the curriculum.

Student Lounge

Student Lounge

A lounge for the physician assistant program students is located in the upstairs corridor of the Correll Science Building. Furnished in the lounge are lockers, cabinets, a refrigerator, a microwave, and a sink.

Common Questions

A Master’s in Physician Assistant Studies (MSPAS) at the University of the Cumberlands' Williamsburg Kentucky campus is an advanced program that prepares students to become skilled healthcare providers. The curriculum is designed to ensure students gain the comprehensive medical knowledge and practical experience necessary to deliver primary care, working in tandem with licensed physicians. Through rigorous coursework and clinical rotations, students are equipped with the essential skills and credentials.

The MSPAS program at the University of the Cumberlands spans approximately 27 months. This duration encompasses both on-campus didactic instruction and hands-on clinical rotations, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education that combines theoretical learning with practical application.

No, the MSPAS program at the University of the Cumberlands is exclusively available on-campus at their Northern Kentucky and Williamsburg locations. The program's structure includes vital hands-on clinical training and laboratory work that cannot be effectively replicated in an online format.

Absolutely, pursuing an MSPAS from the University of the Cumberlands is a sound investment. The field of physician assistants is experiencing significant growth, with high demand for qualified professionals, excellent job prospects, and competitive salaries. With an average salary of $121,530 and an industry growth rate of 31%, a career as a physician assistant is both financially and professionally rewarding.

Graduates with an MSPAS from the University of the Cumberlands can pursue careers as physician assistants in various medical fields, including primary care, family medicine, emergency medicine, psychiatry, and surgery. PAs are trained to examine, diagnose, and treat patients, perform diagnostic tests, prescribe medications, and provide patient education about health conditions and treatments.

To enroll in the MSPAS program at the University of the Cumberlands, you must first complete a bachelor’s degree and meet specific prerequisite coursework and entrance exam requirements. Once admitted, you will undergo 113 credit hours of both classroom-based and clinical education. After completing the program, you must pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) to become a certified physician assistant.

Library Resources

Available to PA students through the electronic resources supported by the Grover M. Hermann Library are many electronic and online databases to which the library subscribes. The databases have become a major segment of the learning resources available on campus and provide scholarly support for all academic programs, including those in the medical field. Most of these databases include full-text journals and other information resources.

Of the available electronic resources, those that are considered particularly useful to the Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies program consist of the following:

The collaborative agreements of KYVL members facilitate access of students of University of Cumberlands to other libraries and expedite no-fee interlibrary loans from member institutions.

The library catalog, with all electronic resources, may be accessed on-campus or off-campus through the library's website. Also available on the library’s homepage are links to online forms for interlibrary loan requests and to tutorials on accessing and using library resources.

I really loved my time in the PA program in Williamsburg. The small class size allowed for the faculty to really invest in us, and they went above and beyond to help us succeed. In such a rigorous program, it helped to have an environment that felt like a home away from home! 

Chelsea Brooks, PA-C

PA Program Goals

  • Outcome

    1A: The Program has exceeded the minimum benchmark for the last three admission years (cohorts 2024, 2025, 2026) at 80%, 83%, and 100% of students who have identified themselves as residing in the medically underserved regions in each incoming Cohort.  

    1B: The Program has been intermittent at meeting the minimum benchmark for the last three admission years but have improved over the last year (cohorts 2023, 2024, and 2025) at 40%, 20%, and 45% of students, respectively, identifying as Appalachian residency.
  • Outcome

    2A: Students of cohort 2019-2024 have inconsistently demonstrated medical knowledge acquisition through academic score achievement on nationally benchmarked examinations however have improved in performance over the last academic year's assessments in most areas, including PACKRAT I (PR I), PACKRAT II (PR II), and PANCE. Most recent cohort 2025’s PACKRAT I at or above national average content and task areas: Cardiology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Hematology, Neurology, Orthopedics/Rheumatology, Urology/Renal and Using Lab and Diagnostic Studies, and Basic Scientific Concepts. Most recent cohort 2024’s PACKRAT II content and task areas at or above national average: Cardiology, Endocrinology, EENT/Ophthalmology, Hematology, Infectious Disease, Orthopedics/Rheumatology, Psychiatry/Behavioral Health, Using Lab and Diagnostic studies, History Taking and Performing Physical Exam, Health Maintenance, and Basic Scientific Concepts. Overall Program First-time test taker PANCE rate is 91% for the most recent five cohorts (2010-2024) of data. Most recent cohort 2024 PANCE First Time Test Taker Pass Rate: 93% Most recent available data for cohort 2023’s PANCE at or above national average content and task areas: Dermatology, EENT/Opthalmology, Gastrointestinal/Nutrition, Neurology, Reproductive, Pulmonology, Renal, and Genitourinary, Clinical Therapeutics,  History Taking and Performing Physical Examination, Forming Most Likely Diagnosis, Using Lab and Diagnostic Studies, and Basic Scientific Concepts.    

    2B: All students in cohorts 2022, 2023, and 2024 have been given scores above the minimum benchmark for Applying Basic Science Concepts, Health Maintenance, Patient Education, and Preventative Measures by their preceptors on the PES.  

    2C: Ninety-four percent of students of cohort 2023 positively appraised their acquisition of medical knowledge in both the didactic year and on the exit survey. All of the Cohort 2024 students positively appraised their acquisition of medical knowledge in the didactic year and on the clinical year. Ninety-two percent of students of cohort 2025 positively appraised their acquisition of knowledge in the didactic year.  The Cohort 2025 clinical year data and Cohort 2026 didactic year data will be available October of 2025.


3A: Cohort 2022, 2023, and 2024 scored below national average in H & P, Lab and Diagnostics, Clinical Therapeutics, Clinical Interventions, and Forming the Most Likely Diagnosis areas on PACKRAT I. Cohort 2025 had improved scores of at or above national average in Lab and Diagnostics on PACKRAT I. Cohort 2022 task areas were all below national average, Cohort 2023 scores were at or above national average in all tasks. Cohort 2024 continued at or above scores in the Lab & Diagnostic Studies, History Taking and Performing Physical Exam task areas on PACKRAT II. Students have scored consistently above the national average on PANCE. Students of Cohort 2020, 2021, and 2022 have scored below the national average in Lab and Diagnostics, Clinical Interventions, and Forming the most likely Diagnosis on PANCE.  Students of Cohort 2020, 2021 have scored above the national average in Clinical Therapeutics on PANCE. The program's most recent cohort 2023 data available shows students have improved scores on PANCE with Clinical Therapeutics, Forming Most Likely Diagnosis, Lab & Diagnostic Studies and History Taking and Performing Physical exam all at or above national average on PANCE. Cohort 2024 PANCE data, Cohort 2025 clinical phase data, and Cohort 2026 didactic data will be available October 2025.

3B: Overall average for End of didactic OSCE is above the minimum benchmark of 75% for students of cohort 2025, and when stratified by task areas by a number of students in each respective cohort 2023, 2024, and 2025, all students scored above 75% on History taking, more than half of the cohort scored above 75% on Using Diagnostic and Laboratory Studies, Formulating Most Likely Diagnosis, Clinical Interventions, and less than half of the cohort scored 75% or above on the performing physical exam, and  Pharmaceutical Therapeutics tasks. Overall average for the summative OSCE is above the minimum benchmark of 75% for students of cohort 2024, and when stratified by task areas by a number of students in each respective cohort 2022, 2023, and 2024, more than half of the cohort scored above 75% on Using Diagnostic and Laboratory Studies, performing physical exam, Formulating Most Likely Diagnosis, and less than half of the cohort scored 75% or above and Pharmaceutical Therapeutics tasks, and Clinical Interventions, Students of Cohort 2022, 2023, and 2024 consistently had cohort average PES scores above the minimum benchmark in all assessed cohorts.  Outcome data for didactic Cohort 2026 and clinical Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.  

3C: All students of Cohorts 2022, 2023, and 2024 have positively appraised their competency acquisition of clinical and technical skills necessary to provide competent medical care on the NCCPA Self-Evaluation of Competencies exit survey. Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.

  • Outcome

    4A: In cohort 2021, 44% of the class, in Cohort 2022-48% of the class, and in Cohort 2023-58% Cohort 2024-56% of the class scored at or above the national average on the professional practice task area on the PANCE. Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.    
    4B: Analysis of Cohort 2022’s, 2023’s, and 2024’s students’ Preceptor Evaluation of the Student (PES) data reveals students achieving above minimum benchmark in all the following areas: Professional Practice and Patient Education.   Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025. 
    4C: All students of Cohort 2022, 2023, and 2024 have positively appraised their interpersonal and communication skills on the NCCPA Self-Evaluation of Competencies exit survey.  Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.
  • Outcome

    5A: In cohort 2021, 44% of the class, in Cohort 2022-48% of the class, and in Cohort 2023-58% Cohort 2024-56% of the class scored at or above the national average on the professional practice task area on the PANCE. Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.    

    5B: Cohorts 2024, 2025, and 2026 have demonstrated working collaboratively in interprofessional patient-centered teams through IPE Assignment in the didactic year. Clinical Cohorts 2021-2024 have 93% or greater logging of IPE exposure on EXXAT during the Clinical year. Clinical Cohorts have Professional Practice PES scores above the minimum benchmark, supporting adequate IPE exposure in all cohorts.  Outcome data for didactic Cohort 2027 and clinical Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.  
  • 5C: All students of Cohort 2022, 2023, and 2024 have positively appraised their ability to work collaboratively in interprofessional patient-centered teams on the NCCPA Self-Evaluation of Competencies exit survey.  Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.
  • Outcome

    6A: In cohort 2021, 44% of the class, in Cohort 2022-48% of the class, and in Cohort 2023-58% Cohort 2024-56% of the class scored at or above the national average on the professional practice task area on the PANCE. Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.    
    6B: Students of Cohort 2022, 2023, and 2024 have demonstrated knowledge and skills to provide medical care regarding issues that affect diverse populations with the achievement of scores above the minimum benchmark in the Professional Practice and Caring for Diverse Populations sections of the Preceptor Evaluation of the Student (PES). Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.
    6C: All students of Cohort 2022, 2023, and 2024 have positively appraised their ability to provide medical care regarding issues that affect diverse populations on the NCCPA Self-Evaluation of Competencies exit survey. Outcome data for Cohort 2025 will be available October 2025.

Physician Assistant Faculty Experts

Learn more about the professors you will interact with in our physician assistant program. 

Dr. Dana Campbell

Dr. Dana Campbell

Department Chair - Physician Assistant Programs
Master Physician Assistant Studies - Williamsburg Campus

Dr. Dana Campbell

Contact Information

dana.campbell [at] ucumberlands.edu
Correll Science Center | Williamsburg Campus
Kim Rose

Kim Rose

Associate Program Director/Assistant Professor, MHSC, PA-C
Master Physician Assistant Studies - Williamsburg Campus

Kim Rose

Contact Information

kimberly.rose [at] ucumberlands.edu
Correll Science Center | Williamsburg Campus
Dr. Geogy Thomas

Dr. Geogy Thomas

Medical Director / Assistant Professor
Master Physician Assistant Studies - Williamsburg Campus

Dr. Geogy Thomas

Contact Information

geogy.thomas [at] ucumberlands.edu
Correll Science Center | Williamsburg Campus


In addition to our overall institutional accreditation through SACSCOC, the PA program in Williamsburg, KY, has received accreditation from specialized accrediting bodies. The Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA) has granted Accreditation-Continued status to the University of the Cumberlands Physician Assistant Program sponsored by the University of the Cumberlands. Accreditation-Continued is an accreditation status granted when a currently accredited program is in compliance with the ARC-PA Standards

Accreditation remains in effect until the program closes or withdraws from the accreditation process or until accreditation is withdrawn for failure to comply with the Standards. The approximate date for the next validation review of the program by the ARC-PA will be March 2029. The review date is contingent upon continued compliance with the Accreditation Standards and ARC-PA policy.

The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website

Want to Learn More About our Program?

Let us know you're interested, and we'll connect with you to answer all the questions you have. 

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100 percent pass rate for Williamsburg PA program

Become a UC Physician Assistant Preceptor!

The University of the Cumberlands Physician Assistant Program is always interested in recruiting skilled and experienced MDs, DOs, PAs, and NPs to educate our students during the clinical phase of the program's curriculum. Our students complete supervised clinical experiences (also known commonly as “clinical rotations”) in family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, women's health, pediatrics, behavioral and mental health, general surgery, and a clinical elective of the student's choice. 

Do you remember the provider that inspired you? Become a UC PA Preceptor and impact healthcare one student at a time. 

  • Invest in the next generation of PAs 
  • Become eligible as a regular preceptor to receive a precepting stipend
  • Evaluate possible future employees
  • Add an educational component to your CV
  • Serve in a guest lecturing role in the classroom
  • Earn CME credits
  • Add energy and enthusiasm to your practice through student participants
  • “See one. Do one. Teach one.” Introduce students to new skills and procedures
  • Offer training to master’s-level PA students for a clinical rotation
  • Provide feedback on student performance
  • Share opportunities and knowledge gained during practice
  • Be an example of professionalism
  • Grow a student’s communication skills
  • Connect students with professionals in other areas
  • Set the student’s schedule based on the provider’s schedule

If you would like more information about our preceptor opportunities, please contact the UC PA clinical team.

Dr. Tye Prewitt, DMSc, MSPAS, PA-C
Director of Clinical Education | Assistant Professor
tye.prewitt [at] ucumberlands.edu (tye[dot]prewitt[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu)

Mrs. Whitney Losey
Clinical Coordinator
whitney.losey [at] ucumberlands.edu (whitney[dot]losey[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu)

If you are interested in becoming a preceptor with University of the Cumberlands, please complete this form: