Spring Break

Campus offices will close for spring break at 12 pm Thursday, March 20, and will reopen Monday, March 24.

University of the Cumberlands Executive Programs are designed to meet the need of both international and domestic students seeking Masters and Doctoral level studies in the U.S.  On-campus class days include personalized interaction with UC faculty and renowned guest speakers, tying course topics to current business trends.

Our Executive Programs include hybrid course days designed for international graduate students studying in the U.S., or domestic students seeking a hybrid-format program.  We strive to incorporate professional experience and real-world application of course curriculum into our programs to enhance the learning experience.  Practical Training is an integral part of program coursework and available to all students.  At the University of the Cumberlands our degree programs focus on quality education at an affordable price.

Executive Program students take three (3) courses per semester.  The program semester is based on the existing UC semester calendar, with three (3) annual semesters: fall, spring, and summer.  Two of the courses each semester focus on the specific program content.  Additionally, students will be required to attend an intensive residency weekend as part of their course enrollment each term.  The third class includes an Applied Learning Practicum, in which students apply what they are learning in their other two courses to the real world via work or internship experiences.

Executive graduate students celebrate following Commencement

Executive Academic Programs

University of the Cumberlands Executive Programs are designed to meet the need of both international and domestic students seeking graduate degrees.

Registration and Orientation

Registration and Orientation

Use the information found here to get you started on campus. Our student success coordinators can help guide you in course registration and get you set for orientation.

After your first semester, you are able to self-register for your courses in MyUC once a registration period is open.

If you need assistance registering for courses please watch this video: https://helpdesk.ucumberlands.edu/support/solutions/7000048615

When you are registering please make sure that you register for 7 credits if you’re on F1 Status. One main residency course, one online course either B1 (First bi term) or B2 (Second Bi term) and INTR599 (Masters Level) or INTR 799(PhD Level) or INTR 899 (Dissertation stage). 

Please register at MyUC.


To find the RESIDENCY courses, utilize the advanced search function and filter by building. To find online courses, you will have to remove this filter and search by “Part of Term” for first bi-term and second bi-term. INTR courses will be in the full term, but will not have a building code. Additionally, all dissertation courses are in the full term and not offered in bi-term (8 week) format. 

Note: The 3 credit hour residency courses (full-term courses) also have section numbers that are associated with their location. Those sections numbers are as follows: 
NKY – 20 through 29
Seattle – 30 through 39
DC area – 40 through 49
Dallas – 50 through 59

Viewing Schedule Details in MyUC by going to Academics > View My Courses

Additional Information

Check the Academic Calendar page for important dates in each semester. 

Terms of interest for Executive-format students are the Full Term (16 weeks), First Bi-Term (8 weeks), and Second Bi-Term (8 weeks).

Refund Schedule

You will want to set up a payment plan at the beginning of each semester. Payment plans are processed by the campus Office of Student Accounts. If you have questions regarding payment plans, tuition balance, or payments please contact studentfinancial [at] ucumberlands.edu (studentfinancial[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu). You can also access your balance and make payments by logging into MyUC

If you are wanting to set up a payment plan so that you can pay in installments, you will need to do that through the MyUC.

Tuition holds are placed on student accounts by the Office of Student Accounts. If you have an outstanding tuition balance for the current semester then you will not be able to register for courses until your tuition balance has been paid in full or you are up to date on all payments in a payment plan. You can make a payment by logging onto your MyUC.

To view your balance and/or make a payment in MyUC, you will need to do so through the MyUC

This stop will prevent you from registering for courses in the future. To avoid any delays in future registration periods, you will need to update your address in MyUC

Once at the above link, please click the ellipsis at the top, left-hand corner of the page (4 boxes in the corner).
Then, you will simply select “Personal Information” > “View Addresses and Phones.” 
Then, you will need to select “Update Addresses and Phones.” 

On this page, you will need to click on “Current” beside the address or phone number that you want to edit. Before submitting the address changes, you must also enter the date in which you want the address change to be effective (valid) from. You do not have to enter an end date for the address. Click “Submit” to finalize the changes.

Residency Session Information

Basic information to get you ready for your on-site Residency Session

Residency Weekend Dates

Residency Session dates are determined by the course that you are registered for. Save these important dates!

Times for Residency Sessions

Meet one weekend each semester during the same scheduled hours. This allows for meaningful coursework.

Residency is Mandatory

All three days are mandatory and requests to arrive late or leave early will not be approved. Plan accordingly.

Make-Up Sessions

A missed session will result in a make-up session, and a $300 session charge. Sessions are held on our Williamsburg campus.

Registering for Next Semester

We will contact you via your UC student email as registration for the next term approaches. Late registration is not accepted.
Highline Seattle site location

Residency Site Locations

Plan out the in-seat components of your executive programs at one of Cumberlands convenient site locations.

Additional Support Resources for International Graduate Students

The Department of International Graduate Services is our one-stop international student resource center at the graduate level and enjoys providing support resources for our international students - from admission to the international student graduation experience and beyond. Below you will find tutorials and information regarding offices and policies for the International Graduate Students and programs. 

Attendance to each Executive Residency class sessions is mandatory.  Any absence request(s) must be reviewed and approved by the Program Director in collaboration with Director of Graduate International Student Services in advance of a residency session.   Students may request to miss no more than one (1) residency session throughout the duration of their academic program.

Each missed session (approved or unapproved) will result in the student completing the absence request form and submitting official documentation, attending a make-up session, and paying a $300 Residency Make-Up fee. Make-Up session must be completed prior to the end of the term during the scheduled make up session. Noncompliance with this policy will result in dismissal from the executive program.

Students who enrolled in the Executive Programs prior to Spring 2017, will be eligible to miss only one (1) three-day residency session if they have not had two (2) previous one-day residency session absences.

For admissions, advising, CPT/OPT, and other international Graduate Student issues.

Contact information: 606-539-3577

To request shipment of your documents, go to MyEduDocs using the following secure website: : https://ucumberlands.myedudocs.com

1. Login or Register an account.

2. Add the desired document (I-20) to your cart and proceed to checkout.

Once you request a document via MyEduDocs, you will receive email confirmation of your request. When your request is processed at the University, your MyEduDocs dashboard will reflect the status update and you will be sent an email update and be provided the UPS tracking number. From your dashboard you can view your recent orders, manage your shipping and billing addresses, and edit your password and account details.

Note: We cannot provide soft-copies of your I-20 and we are not able to provide you with copies of your past I-20s.

IMPORTANT Shipping Information: The 1 or 2 day shipping timeline will begin ONLY when the shipment is processed and picked up by the carrier, not when the shipment request is placed.

***Shipments are only processed during business hours Monday-Friday.***

  1. You may submit payment through your myUC Payment Portal with a credit/debit card, electronic check/ACH. There are no associated fees with payment by either method. 
  2. A short tutorial video is available here

Learn more here

We are happy to assist students with transfer credit requests after they have been admitted into the University, official transcript(s) have been received, and student place transfer request. It is University policy that a maximum of nine credit hours can be accepted of completed coursework from another institution. Approved transfer courses must have a grade of ‘B’ or better, and be relevant to courses that are part of the student’s program at UC. Transfer credit from a previously completed degree will not approved. All transfer courses are determined by the Director of each individual department. We request that students allow at least five business days for transfer requests to be processed.  

Please see this guide to generate your unofficial UC transcript. 

Payment Plan Information - Students must complete the payment option form before the beginning of each semester indicating which method of payment you intend to pursue. Payment plans are processed by the campus Office of Student Accounts; if you have questions regarding payment plans contact studentfinancial [at] ucumberlands.edu (studentfinancial[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu). Students enrolled in a payment plan will not be permitted to register for future semesters until their current semester tuition balance is paid in full.

Inviting Relatives or Friends to Visit You in the U.S. 
University of the Cumberlands does not issue invitation letters for students' relatives or friends. According to guidance from the U.S. Department of State, such a letter is neither necessary nor useful to the application for a visitor’s visa. Specific information regarding the criteria for applying for a visitor’s visa can be found on https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/tourism-visit/visitor.html  

Writing an Invitation Letter  
You may write a letter for your relatives or friends inviting them to visit you in the United States. You may use this sample letter, or you may choose to write your own.  

Graduation Information 
If you are writing an invitation letter for the purpose of inviting your relatives or friends to the annual commencement ceremony, please refer to https://www.ucumberlands.edu/graduation for specific program information and dates.  

You may also purchase formal graduation invitations from the UC Bookstore by going to https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1069069/University-of-the-Cumberlands/ 

Academic Certification
If you’d like to provide your relatives or friends with additional proof that you are a University of the Cumberlands student you can access an Enrollment Verification as well as your University of the Cumberlands transcript by visiting the Office of the Registrar. You may also provide a copy of your current course schedule.  

Additional Documentation
If you are providing your visitor(s) a place to stay and meals, it is best if you can document this with a lease or room contract and your bank statements from the last 2 - 3 months. If you are not providing this support, your visitor(s) will need to provide evidence of their own financial resources for the visit.  

You should also include a copy of your I-20 or DS-2019 and I-94 card as evidence of your immigration status in the U.S.  

U.S. immigration law requires an applicant for a visa to overcome "the presumption of immigrant intent". This means that the individual should demonstrate that they have strong ties to their home country such as employment, property, and family and have no intention of staying permanently in the United States. 

International Graduate Student Forms

  • Executive Structure
    Provides an overview of the executive course format, as well as course residency locations, and the internship requirement.
  • INTR Requirement
    Please refer to this document for an explanation of why INTR is required for each semester of enrollment.
  • SSN Card Form 
    If you need to upload a copy of your SSN card, please login to your Work Day account. Select Profile -> ID’s -> then upload a copy of your SSN card. If you have questions about this process, you may reach out to registrar [at] ucumberlands.edu (registrar[at]ucumberlands[dot]edu) 
  • DMV Request Form
    DMV Letter Request for currently enrolled students. Students applying for a driver’s license should be prepared to present the below listed documents to the DMV (if applicable).
    *The DMV address on the letter is the address for the main DMV headquarters in your state. You can take the letter to any DMV office in the state.*  
  • Request to Change Programs Application
    This application should be completed when a student is requesting to change programs at UC without completing their current program. If you wish to complete one program and start a new one, please submit a new application; this is not the correct form for you. 
  • Process for Letter of Invitation
    Please reference this information to invite your relatives and/or friends to visit you in the United States. This link also includes information related to the graduation commencement ceremony.                                                                                                        
  • H-1B Requests for Evidence
    Please use this information if you have a pending H1-B visa case and have received an RFE. 
  • Travel Information
    Please refer to this information for assistance with travel-related questions and documents.
  • UC Affidavit of Support
    To be completed if you are applying for a Form I-20 and are submitting financial documents that are not in your name. 
  • Executive Student Advising Letter
    This letter contains information related to the Executive program structure, course site locations, the INTR requirement, and student enrollment status. Prior to requesting the letter, please be sure that your mailing address is correct in UC One.
  • Request to Withdraw from Courses
    You must request to be withdrawn from courses in my UC Workday through OneLogin. If you just want to drop a course and add another, DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM. Please work with your academic advisor to adjust your schedule and ensure you maintain your status. We advise you to always consult with your academic advisor and DSO before making any changes to your schedule. Please review the school’s Refund Policy & Cancellation Information before requesting to withdraw.
  • Payment Plans
    The UC Office of Student Accounts is the University’s student account and billing office. Please review their webpage here for additional information, which includes viewing tuition statements, submitting payments, setting up a payment plan, and reviewing each semester’s payment due date. If satisfactory payment (i.e. – balance paid in full or financial aid to cover balance in full) is not set up prior to the third week of classes, you will be auto-enrolled into a payment plan.             
  • Residency Site Locations
    Please refer to this information for assistance with residency site location questions. 

Our Enrollment Team

Your career and education are important. They understand and are here to help. 

Brittany Russell

Brittney Russell

Student Success Coordinator
International Graduate Services

Brittney Russell

Contact Information

brittney.russell [at] ucumberlands.edu
Adams Center
Jennifer Propst

Jennifer Propst

Designated School Official
International Graduate Services

Jennifer Propst

Contact Information

jennifer.propst [at] ucumberlands.edu
Adams Center
Beth Brown

Beth Brown

Designated School Official
International Graduate Services

Beth Brown

Contact Information

beth.brown [at] ucumberlands.edu
Adams Center