Spring Break

Campus offices will close for spring break at 12 pm Thursday, March 20, and will reopen Monday, March 24.

The business programs at University of the Cumberlands (UC) were recently granted first-time accreditation from the Board of Commissioners of the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE).

"The IACBE accreditation is a seal of quality for all undergraduate and graduate business programs," said Dr. Margaret Combs, Chair of the Business Programs. "IACBE’s student-centered teaching and learning approach, which is measured and analyzed for quality, ensures that students are provided with the tools to make transformational contributions in the business world."

IACBE, founded in 1997, is nationally recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). It is the leader in mission-driven and outcome-based programmatic accreditation in business and management education for student-centered colleges, universities, and other higher education institutions around the world. The IACBE has hundreds of member institutions and campuses worldwide and has over 1,200 business and business-related programs in the United States, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Central America, and South America.

To qualify for accreditation with IACBE, UC’s Schools of Business participated in a rigorous self-evaluation; underwent a comprehensive, independent peer review; and demonstrated compliance with IACBE principles, such as strategic planning, outcomes assessment, educational innovation, and more.

The business programs also demonstrated a commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in business education, while working to advance academic quality in business programs and operations.

"IACBE's accreditation process examines whether students learned what they were supposed to have learned, whether the academic business unit is functioning effectively, and whether the academic business unit is accomplishing its mission and goals," said Dr. Vonda Moore, Director of the MBA Program. "This accreditation is a testament to the faculty and staff who have worked diligently to create strong business programs."  

Undergraduate students at UC can pursue degrees in accounting and business administration in the Hutton School of Business, studying in a learning environment that prepares business decision-makers who are intellectually and professionally competent to lead in the global marketplace of the 21st century.

UC also offers graduate programs in business through the Robert W. Plaster Graduate School of Business, including master’s and doctoral programs.

Located in Williamsburg, Kentucky, University of the Cumberlands is an institution of regional distinction offering quality undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and online degree programs. Learn more at ucumberlands.edu.