Dr. Larry Cockrum, President of University of the Cumberlands, today shared the University’s comprehensive plan for welcoming students, employees, and guests back to campus this fall.
Under the plan, traditional undergraduate students will return to campus and follow a hybrid learning model. Students will take most classes in a live online setting during the first 8-week bi-term. In addition to online learning, classes will meet in person one day per week, allowing for application of the course content, exams, labs, or other hands-on course experiences.
“Without question, the health, safety, and well-being of the entire campus community is the primary focus of our planning,” said President Cockrum. “Our students keep telling us that they want to be on campus this fall for the traditional college experience. We believe a hybrid learning model provides the best opportunity for bringing students back to campus and reducing potential exposure to the novel coronavirus.”
Limiting in-person classes will reduce the number of students in a building at one time and will enable the University to maximize the use of larger classroom spaces. The University will monitor conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic to determine if the second 8-week bi-term will be held online or in classrooms.
Cockrum noted,“As the situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, we will closely monitor recommendations from federal, state, and local health officials. These are our plans as of today, but we will quickly adjust our approach as needed to protect the entire Patriots family.”
The University's comprehensive reopening plan includes guidance for students, employees, and campus visitors. Highlights of the plan include:
Academic Schedule: The University intends to follow the scheduled academic calendar, with classes beginning August 24.
Face Coverings: Everyone on campus will be required to wear a face covering when social distancing of at least six feet is not possible.
Social Distancing: Social distancing will be encouraged in common areas around campus.
Cleaning & Disinfection Protocols: Cleaning and disinfecting protocols for buildings on campus have been enhanced to include increased cleaning and the installation of hand sanitizing stations for use across campus.
Health Screenings: Faculty, staff, and students will be asked to self-monitor and report symptoms of COVID-19. The University will follow recommendations from federal, state, and local health officials. Contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine policies will be utilized.
Testing: The University is partnering with First Care Clinics to provide COVID-19 testing to students and employees as needed.
Campus Housing: Students will return to campus in waves. All residential students will be screened prior to checking into campus housing.
Classrooms/Faculty Interactions: Plexiglass shields have been installed in all classrooms for instructor use. Faculty will be encouraged to limit the sharing of printed materials and will utilize virtual office hours as necessary to accommodate social distancing.
The University’s reopening plan may be viewed here.