Lindsay Bell has been interested in Psychology and Education as long as she can remember. She loves helping others learn in these areas too. Currently she is enjoying teaching Research Design & Statistics courses for the UC Online Psychology Department. She developed a passion for helping students understand psychological and research concepts when she tutored students at UC in the Academic Resource Center, performed her own on campus research at UC, and when she was a TA for the Psychological Science department at Ball State. Her student research was published in 2008 in the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research and presented at the SEPA conference that year. Her favorite memories of UC include walks on the beautiful campus, being a member and coach of the Dance Team, and growing her relationship with Jesus.

M.A. Cognitive & Social Processes, Ball State University, 2011
B.S. Psychology & Exercise Sport Science, University of the Cumberlands, 2009

  • Research Design & Statistics
  • Cognition
  • Personality
  • Development


