Steven Perret has served as president of Letterman's, his family business based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, since 2005. Letterman's is Louisiana's largest privately owned full-service reprographics company, offering professional document management and graphics solutions to the design and construction industry. As president, Perret has expanded the business from a single location to four locations while adding value added solutions that allow clients to be more productive.  In recognition of that achievement, he was a recipient of LSU's TOP 100: Fastest Growing Tiger Led Businesses Award.

Ph.D., Leadership and Human Resource Development, Louisiana State University, 2016
MS, Human Resource Education, Louisiana State University, 2015
MBA, Louisiana State University, 2010
BS, Business Management, University of Phoenix, 2008 

Perret, S. T., Burnett, M. F., and Richardson, W. B. (2017). Perceptions of the Importance of Succession Planning in Family Owned Businesses. Academy of Business Research Journal, 3, 44-62.

Woosley, J., Thomas, C. A., and Perret, S. T. (2015). Improving service delivery and competitive advantage in the reprographics industry. International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, 4(2), 19-25.

  • Business Intelligence
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Small Business Management
