Dr. Sisay Teketele has a Doctorate in Computer Science (DCS) with a focus on Big Data Analytics, and a second doctorate (DM) in Leadership and Management. He has over 18 years of industry experience working for various companies managing and leading advanced data analytics and data science programs. He has over 15 years of teaching experience in undergraduate and graduate-level courses that cover business analytics, data science, and management courses for different universities. He also has over five years of experience as a dissertation committee member working with a doctoral program at a university. In addition to serving as an SME developing courses for different universities, he served on the editorial board writing two books: Introduction to Management, 2nd Ed (2015), Communicating Globally: Practical Guide for International Managers (2016), and served as a methodologist on the research the “Application of Practical Experience to Achieving Student Learning Goals: Does it Really Help?”.
Dr. Teketele’s interests are in the areas of entrepreneurship, business innovation, management, leadership, international business development, policy, and strategy formulation. His other areas of interest include computer programming languages, statistics, business intelligence design and implementation, and data science.