James C. Hyatt's current research is in Cybersecurity, Information Systems, and Data Analytics. Dr. Hyatt is currently working on a project to improve end-user security. Dr. Hyatt has worked for different companies on IT Security Operations and Management. He has also worked with other educational institutions developing coursework in Information Systems Management. He participated in a faculty exchange to China and was designated by the Chinese government as a world content expert in IT Security. Dr. Hyatt is a devoted father of four and enjoys outdoor activities.

Ph.D. Management, Information Systems Management, Walden University, 2015
MLS, Human Resource Management, Fort Hays State University, 2006                          
B.S. Psychology/Interpersonal Communications, Southern Utah University, 2004

Hyatt, J.C., & Babulak, E. (2019). Logistical control for consumer satisfaction in a global society. The Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS), 11(1), 30-35.
Hyatt, J.C., (2015). Mitigating Employee threats to information security by improving employee levels of information security awareness: A multi-factor approach. International Journal of Leadership, Education, and Business Studies, 1(1).

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters Published:
Introduction to Business. December 2018. OpenStax 3rd Edition
Hyatt, J. C. (2018) Achieving World-Class Operations Management. In, Using Technology To Manage Information. (pp. 501-538). Houston, Texas 77005: OpenStax.
Hyatt, J. C. (2018) Achieving World-Class Operations Management. In, Introduction To Business (pp. 369-410). Houston, Texas 77005: OpenStax.

Landau, O. & Hyatt, J.C. (2019) Smart Infrastructures as a Force Multiplier and the Needed Cyber Security Safeguards. World Association for Academic Doctors (WAAD), International Presentation.
Akhtar, M., & Hyatt, J.C. (2018, June). Policies improvement initiatives of North American cyber security. Presented at World Association for Academic Doctors, Linthicum, MD.
Hughes, J., Hyatt, J.C. & Weisenborn, G. (2017). The impact of organizational alignment and trust on business sustainability and organizational waste. Presented at the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE), Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Hyatt, J.C., (2017). The effects of cultural and linguistic variations on end user Security. International Journal of Leadership, Education, and Business Studies. Submitted for Publication.

  • Data Analytics
  • Cybersecurity
  • Information Systems
  • Logistics

