Donna Riley is currently teaching at the University of the Cumberlands. She is married to Chris Riley and has two children. A daughter, Zoei Riley, and a son, Blake Riley. They currently reside in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading, learning for fun, and collecting gemstones.  

Ed.S., Director of Special Education, University of the Cumberlands, 2021
Ed.D., Education, University of the Cumberlands, 2020
M.A.T., Special Education LBD P-12, University of the Cumberlands, 2016
B.S., Art & Marketing, Campbellsville University, 2007

Title: A Quantitative Examination of Traditional and Alternative Special Education Teacher Preparedness with a Concentration on Teacher Enrollment Across Kentucky and Southern Regional Board States. Publication Number: 28155042



