Spring Break

Campus offices will close for spring break at 12 pm Thursday, March 20, and will reopen Monday, March 24.

Dr. Devin Embray has been in education since 1991 as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent, and superintendent. He has expertise in educational leadership, serving in his 22nd year as a superintendent and 14th in his current district. He was a finalist for Superintendent of the Year in 2022 for Iowa and nominated again in 2023. 

While still in high school, Dr. Embray enlisted in the United States Army Reserves (USAR) as a junior after hearing from his counselor, that he was not college material. Upon graduating high school, he attended a technical school to become a certified draftsman. He served for eight years in the USAR, becoming a staff sergeant as a nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) warfare specialist serving his unit as an instructor. Upon graduating with his drafting certificate, he enrolled in higher education, journeying through architecture, engineering, and business, finally settling in education. He participated in college athletics playing Division III football, where he was a three-year letterman and experienced the National Championship in Phenix City, Alabama 1988. 

He has been married to his wife Angie (an MS Science Instructor) for over 31 years, and they have four adult children, two in the workplace and two still in college. He enjoys DIY projects with his wife, working on muscle cars, and enjoying fire pits, friends, and BBQs. 

Ed.D.; Educational Leadership, University of the Cumberlands, 2022
A.S.C.; Superintendency, University of Northern Iowa, 2001
M.S.E.; Educational Administration, Drake University, 1996
B.A.; Elementary Education, Central College, 1991

K-12 Public Schools; Educational Leadership



