Spring Break

Campus offices will close for spring break at 12 pm Thursday, March 20, and will reopen Monday, March 24.

Written by Anna Jo Carey, ’28

It was close enough to home, but far enough too, and that was just the start.

Choosing a college can be a hard decision. I wasn’t sure where to go to school, but I knew University of the Cumberland would always be an option because it was close to where I grew up. In February, I visited the university and absolutely loved it! First, the campus was beautiful! And I loved that it was small, but it felt big at the same time. I also liked that the dorms were located on a separate side of campus than the classes and offices. I loved how they set up the campus, with the BCC (Boswell Campus Center) in the middle, easy for students to come in and hang out. 

I’ve always known I didn’t want to go far away for college. I wanted to stay close to home but far enough away to be on my own a little bit. Living in a dorm has taught me all kinds of new things. I like living in a dorm because it’s taught me what it’s like to be free, not having a set schedule, which has forced me to learn how to balance my time. I also got to decorate my own space here, and I love how it turned out! (Spoiler: there is a lot of pink.)

Since I've been here, I have enjoyed my classes. Most of our courses are offered as bi-terms, meaning each class only lasts 8 weeks instead of 16. I enjoy these because they make the semester seem quick. It also allows my schedule not to be over-packed with work. Even though the courses are 8 weeks, I only have 2 or 3 classes, so it doesn’t overwhelm me like it would keeping up with 6 or 7 semester-long courses at a time. Additionally, the professors are very easy to work with. They provide assistance if anyone is having trouble with the class. There are also many ways to find tutors on campus, so no one falls behind. There are online tutors, so you can always find help if you do your homework or study late at night. The in-person tutors are also very helpful. They plan a time around your schedule that will work best for you. They also have group tutoring sessions sometimes, if a whole class needs it.

There are so many great places to study on campus. I personally love the library; it is so peaceful and a great place to feel relaxed to be able to study and do homework. The library has a lot of useful things in it. There are printers if you need to print off something. You can check out a computer and a charger if you need one. There are whiteboards you can check out to help you study. You can also rent rooms for free to study with a group and be in a more private space. There are also plenty of places to study outside when it’s a beautiful day, like right outside the library, on dorm porches, outside of the cafeteria, and around either of the globe statues on campus.

Here at UC, there are so many clubs, sports, and activities to participate in. Student affairs have a lot of events they put on that allow students to come out, meet people, and have a good time! I am part of SGA (Student Government Association), and I absolutely love it. In the section that I am involved with, we help make improvements for the school and try to find things students would enjoy, helping their experiences here be even better. I am also filling a work-study position in the communications and marketing office. It is great! I have learned so much by being a part of the group we have in the work-study called “Street Team.” We make TikTok videos and take pictures for all social media accounts. Work-studies in UCOMM also do mail runs to help get packages and mail sent out and delivered to students, which can be fun.

As you can see, I love UC and have enjoyed my time here so far! It has been a great experience meeting so many new people, trying new things, and figuring out myself. I have much more to learn here, and I am so excited to see what the future holds for me here at University of the Cumberlands.