There are many things I have gained by attending this college that I am very grateful for.
As a senior here at University of the Cumberlands, I have grown so much since I was a freshman. There are many things I have gained by attending this college that I am very grateful for: friends, memories, experiences, knowledge, and discoveries that I wouldn’t have had anywhere else.
The part of college I am the most thankful for is the close friends I have made here. These are the people who have really made my college experience great. I have two very close friends I am graduating with who mean the world to me, and I do not know what I would’ve done without them. These two have been there for me through my best and my toughest moments in life, as I have also been there for them. I have made other friends along the way that I am also very thankful to have in my life, and I hope to grow closer with them during my last year here. My friends have been the best part of my college experience.
I am also very thankful for the memories I have made with those people. Some of my favorite memories in my life have been made with the friends I have gained in college. We have had many fun late nights hanging out, enjoyed taking classes together, and made fun memories at school events. I only have the rest of this school year left to enjoy the campus events, but I’m looking forward to everything! I am very thankful for the memories I will leave college with and the future memories that I will make during my last year here.
On a different note, my time here at Cumberlands allowed me to discover my interests and find community within those interests. One of the first interests I took part in was theatre, which is how I met my two closest friends. Theatre is my minor, but I have also participated in many theatre activities outside of classes and would say that it is now one of my hobbies, one I hope to continue elsewhere after I graduate. I also furthered my interest in writing during my time here. I have both worked for and volunteered for the campus newspaper, The Patriot, in which I have gotten to write articles ranging from general campus news, to advice articles, to movie reviews, to interviews. I even got to travel to media conferences. I later became part of the UCOMM office on campus as a work-study student and have written blogs and magazine articles, as well as practiced general marketing writing. Thanks to these opportunities, I have discovered that writing is also one of my main interests. I am thankful that Cumberlands has allowed me to discover these.
I am also thankful for the educational and professional experience Cumberlands has given me. I came here not being sure what I wanted to do with my life. Even though I am still somewhat figuring it out, I have had many classes and educational experiences that have guided me toward an answer and been helpful toward my future career. I am a communications major and know that I for sure want a career in that field. I have been able to learn so much in my comm classes that I know will be useful. The classes have guided me toward possible directions I would like to take my career. Also, working in UCOMM has given me lots of real-life career experience that is preparing me for when I start my career after I graduate. So, I came here having no idea what direction I wanted to take my life, but I will leave with a better understanding of what to pursue, and I have helpful professional experience to help propel me on my way.
I came here to University of the Cumberlands three years ago with no close friends, not a lot of hobbies, and lots of uncertainty with what type of career I wanted to pursue. I will now be leaving at the end of this school year with amazing close friends, new hobbies and interests, and a direction for my career. So, thank you, University of the Cumberlands, for allowing me to gain so much.