Register for Classes

Get started with classes at Cumberlands during our second bi-term of the fall semester. Last day to register for classes is October 29.

Written by Beatriz “Bia” De Souza, ’24

Submitted by Beatriz “Bia” DeSouza, ’24 

College is a busy time in life on its own. Adding a job to the equation makes it even busier. Now, imagine having two jobs. Or even three! It seems impossible, doesn't it? Well, fortunately, it isn’t really. I am a college student who has three jobs on campus, plus sports practice, classes, a social life, and other commitments. So, trust me, it is possible. In this blog post, I will be sharing some pros and cons of having multiple jobs on campus and some tips on how to make it a reality.

One of the biggest advantages of having multiple jobs on campus, other than getting paid more due to the hours you put in, is creating connections. Connections make a big difference in life. The people you know can help you have a better experience in college, and they can open doors for you after college as well, such as finding jobs and internships. Tip: Don't ever miss an opportunity to meet new people in college! You never know what good can come out of it. 

A downside of having multiple jobs is that you will have a very busy schedule. With that, time management will be crucial for you to manage everything you need to do during the week. Tip: Having a calendar on your wall or a planner with color-coordinated tasks can help you stay on top of things and not miss out on any important dates.

Maintaining a busy schedule will lead to another con: saying no to things. I don’t know about you, but I do not like saying no to things I want to do. I want to be part of as many things as possible on campus. Tip: Be smart with the commitments you make. Save time for yourself to relax, spend time with friends, watch a movie, or do anything that is fun to you!

To wrap up, I will say that one of my favorite pros of having multiple jobs on campus is the experiences I have and the memories I make. I get to do so many new things because of the jobs I have in college, and I do not regret a thing. One final tip: Make your job fun! Work hard and be responsible, but do not look at it only as another responsibility, see it as an opportunity every day to learn and enjoy it.

If working multiple jobs as a college student seems like something you need or want to do, just remember that it will take more work in some areas, but there are great benefits as well. If you are dedicated and approach it with a positive attitude, you will succeed.