Class Registration Deadline

The last day to register for classes for the second bi-term is March 11. 

No one should go through college without a college bucket list filled with both serious and fun college goals and activities. Some bucket list items should be related to academics; some should be ridiculously fun. Some should document a rite of passage, others nothing more than a simple college experience that’s important to you. Your time in college should result in a degree, but it should also be a time spent doing fun things with college friends who become lifetime BFFs.

Check out our compilation of things to do before graduating from college. You’re sure to find some you want to add to your own college to-do list.

Studious College Bucket List Activities

Your main goal at college is to obtain a degree, so it makes sense that some of your bucket list items revolve around studious activities, culminating with earning your diploma.

1. Apply for your dream internship. After all, an internship looks great on a resume and may even open the door to a dream job after graduation.

2. Did you know that 77% of Americans are afraid of public speaking? That’s right, and toastmasters can help overcome that fear! Join a Toastmaster’s Club; local and online clubs are available. Participation in the club’s activities makes you a better speaker, gives you more confidence overall and looks great on a resume.

3. Find an amazing mentor. Connect with a potential mentor by talking with on-campus supervisors, faculty members and academic advisors. Check out this mentoring guide from Harvard University for tips about mentoring and what to look for and expect.

4. Be an amazing mentor to someone in a local high school. According to the Christian Association of Youth Mentoring, high school kids matched with a mentor were 53% less likely to skip school, 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs, 27% less likely to use alcohol and 33% less likely to engage in violence.

5. Take part in extracurricular activities you enjoy. These will also look good on a resume — clubs, volunteer activities, sports, babysitting and community service activities are all possibilities.

6. Pull an all-nighter while studying for a very important test by yourself, or with friends at a study party. (just don't make it a habit!)

7. Apply for your first credit card. Use it to increase your credit score; however, pay it off each month.

8. Go to a career fair.

9. Go above and beyond for a course you love, even if it’s not required for your major.

10. Connect with one or more professors. Networking with college professors is important because they can become valuable assets when looking for a job before or after graduation, for securing an internship and for negotiating the processes of graduate school.

11. Apply to graduate school.

12. Work towards the completion of your resume. Since you may have few work-related activities to include, focus on your educational accomplishments. Include any relative work experience, extracurricular activities and leadership experience.

13. Find a volunteer activity in your local community that you enjoy and in which you can consistently take part — you’ll have fun, you’ll help the community and, as noted before, it’ll look good on your resume.

14. Enjoy the benefits of working on campus.

15. Be awarded a scholarship. Yes, you can apply for and receive scholarships while in college.

16. Receive an academic prize in recognition of an outstanding accomplishment in a program or activity.

17. Graduate!!!! Take a deep breath, let it out and then get ready to begin graduate school or start your first job after graduation.

Fun College Bucket List Activities

Although grades are important, don’t forget to have fun. College should be a time you look back on fondly as you remember the good times you had with great friends, some of whom will hopefully become lifetime friends.

18. Go to a party or host a party of your own. Do so responsibly, of course, but enjoy the party.

19. Crash a party and don't get caught.

20. Plant a tree and name it after yourself. Visit it every ten years and think about the way both of you have changed.

21. Take a cooking class — learn how to fix one of your favorite dishes or experiment with an exotic dish or cuisine you’ve never had before.

22. Open a savings account and make monthly deposits. Even small deposits will add up, and you’ll develop a habit that serves you well throughout your life — financial discipline.

23. Learn how to do one or more magic tricks. Use them to entertain friends at parties. Kids will love them, too. There are lots of YouTube videos to help you learn all the secrets.

24. Work at conquering a fear. People have lots of different types of phobias. Some of the strangest phobias include fear of the stars, long words and garlic. Some of the most common fears are spiders, snakes, heights and flying. In fact, 33 to 40 percent of all people have anxiety and fear related to flying. More than three-fourths of adults suffer from dental anxiety or fear. Thirty-three percent of Americans have a fear of failure! Pick one of your fears and decide what you need to do to conquer it.

25. Take a long walk in the rain. It’s healthy, safe and fun, except when there’s lightning.

26. Go to a musical on- or off-campus. Going to musicals offers lots of amazing benefits, including a boost to your immune system.

27. Go snorkeling — see some of God’s creations that are hidden below the surface.

28. Get a group of family and friends together and complete a ropes course. Studies have shown that participation in a ropes course significantly increases leadership levels and work efficacy for as long as six weeks after taking part in a ropes challenge.

29. Learn a new hobby or craft.

30. Get a bunch of friends together and take the 21 Day Complaint Free Challenge. Join the movement started by Rev. Will Bowen.

31. Sing at a karaoke party. Just do it!

32. Take part in one or more University of the Cumberlands clubs and organizations. You’ll find other students who share your same passions, make new friends and may even find a new best friend.

33. Go on a road trip with friends.

34. Take a class that really interests you — even if it’s not part of your degree plan.

35. Attend a formal dance or party.

36. Play sports. Anyone can take part in intramural sports. Even if you don’t have amazing talent, do it for the fun of it.

37. Become friends with an international student or foreign exchange student. Take a real interest in their culture and way of life back home.

38. Show your school spirit by attending a sporting event.

39. Don’t forget to tailgate before and after the game.

40. Try a new hairstyle or change of color.

41. Take part in student government at your school.

42. Learn a new language, either in a college class or in your free time. Duolingo, Learn a Language, Free Language and Start ASL offer free lessons, which is good for the college budget.

43. Attend a concert or music festival.

44. Attend a campus event.

45. Take advantage of student ID discounts.

46. Have an epic spring break.

47. Decide how you intend to decorate your graduation cap.

48. Write a poem or compose a song for someone you love. You might even want to share it with them — let them know how much you care.

Spiritual College Bucket List Activities

Your spiritual bucket list activities should be centered around the spiritual aspects of life. These goals should have a lasting impact on you and those around you, as well as increase your faith and spiritual maturity.

49. Read through the entire Bible in a year. There are many reading plans, such as the One Year Bible reading plan. Find one that works for you and stay on top of it. When you get too far behind, it can feel impossible to catch up.

50. Do a fast, unless you have medical reasons not to do so. Start slowly and work your way up to at least one full day.

51. Join a local church.

52. Become involved in a church or school ministry. University of the Cumberlands offers several ministries and outreach programs.

53. Attend a retreat hosted by your local church or school.

54. Memorize a large passage of Scripture, maybe even a full chapter or more.

55. Talk to a stranger about Jesus.

56. Visit a nursing home and minister to patients who rarely receive visitors.

57. Deliver a plate of home-baked cookies to someone who needs cheering up.

58. Create a gratitude list or journal, and read through it when you need a pick me up.

59. Go on a mission trip. It will change you and the way you think. College is a great time to go on mission trips.

60. Do random acts of kindness, and make them anonymous if possible. Need ideas?

61. Have good humor and laugh frequently. It’s a better witness than being grumpy!

62. Read The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer.

63. Forgive someone for a past hurt – forgiveness is good for you!

64. Practice compassion with family, friends and strangers ... love your neighbor as yourself.

65. Work at a Habitat for Humanity project. Providing a home to a family in need can give you a whole new perspective as well as a few things to add to that gratitude list.

Your spiritual bucket list should be filled with worthwhile opportunities and challenges. It shouldn’t necessarily contain items that are a “one and done” type of activity, although that may be the case for some of them.

Fulfilling Your College Bucket List at University of the Cumberlands

Remember, everyone's college bucket list will be different. Whatever your list contains, there’s no better place to work on it than University of the Cumberlands as you pursue your undergraduate degree.

If you’re interested in learning more about the degree programs offered at University of the Cumberlands, contact an admissions counselor to apply or request more information today.